Wind projects in the district of Böblingen – Spitalwald Herrenberg – Wolfgang Epple's new film on the effects of wind farms.

Giannina Puddu, 25 February 2025.

My continuous research relating to industrial-sized wind farms in Sardinia, in Italy, in Europe and in the world, allowed me to learn of the launch of this new film made by the German biologist Wolfgang Epple, available with subtitles and offered free of charge in these days of February.

The result is a brilliant analysis of the brutal wind energy projects in the Spitalwald and Maurener Wald in the district of Böblingen.

The film highlights various aspects of the wind industry and shows which intact landscapes and forests would be lost.

This is a current document on our natural resources, as we still have them today, and a summary of the main problems.

Overall, it also provides a historical and geographical overview of this region and calls for the protection of this beautiful landscape with its open horizons and forests populated by wildlife.

It can be said with certainty that this film represents an enrichment for all the inhabitants of Gäu and the district of Böblingen, lovers of their fascinating cultural landscape.

But it will also win over many other people from Baden-Württemberg and will deeply touch many viewers, because it will lead to conclude: 12 wind turbines in the Spitalwald would spell its end, because wind energy destroys all social functions.

The lives of humans and animals would be less worth living or no longer worth living.

Freie Horizonte is very happy with this great gift for our forest and our homeland and would like to thank Dr. By Wolfgang Epple.

The Freie Horizonte Herrenberg im Gäu eV association is committed to protecting nature and the countryside in and around Gäu. It fights to defend people health, his local forests, local recreation areas and wildlife.

It also works to preserve regional agriculture.

Dr. Wolfgang Epple has been active in nature conservation for over 50 years.

After studying biology and chemistry, he wrote a degree thesis on the ecology of the barn owl.

Volunteer and full-time in the 1980s as state manager of the NABU (former German Bird Protection Association) Baden-Württemberg.

Further work in a higher special authority of the state of Baden-Württemberg and in the 1990s many years of expert work for the former State Office for Ecology of Lower Saxony, each at the interface between nature conservation/use/agriculture.

For 30 years in-depth commitment to the protection of species in conflict of interest and the ethics of nature conservation. State Advisory Council and Scientific Advisory Board of the Naturschutzinitiative eV (NI).