Giannina Puddu, 16 luglio 2024. Traduzione in inglese di Cristina Gallini.

Yesterday, July 15th, there was a picket on the docks of the Port of Oristano to prevent the exit of trucks loaded with wind turbine components headed towards their destination (no one knows where), "assigned" in Sardinia by powerful hands that do not respect Sardinia and the Sardinian people who are confirming, at every opportunity, their categorical NO to the devastation of their precious territory with the installation of wind and photovoltaic systems.

There was a rumor of the imminent departure of one or more trucks with their load of environmental devastation.

Therefore, among the demonstrators, there was already an air of tension in view of a first movement of trucks, visibly loaded.

To stop the trucks from leaving, the protesters only had their unarmed bodies and their will.

As reported by L'Unione Sarda, which was able to count on the presence of Mauro Pili at the port, the time has come for the "Head-on clash between anti-wind protestors and police forces in the port of Oristano."

Up to a "guerrilla war to prevent the exit of the vehicles with huge poles on them. There is also an arrest."

The peak of tension came around 11.15pm with the melee clash, with the police in riot gear sent to the scene "in large numbers".

Hours earlier, the Prefect had invited the demonstrators to maintain "the tone of a civil protest".

Actually, it seemed that the demonstrators had already taken on "civil protest tones"...

Until 11.15pm the night picket took place without excesses (at least from what can be deduce from observing the videos...) and with choral songs that celebrated the very famous and poignant "Non potho reposare".

After the melee with the officers in riot gear, with the demonstrators trying to keep close to the truck to prevent it from leaving and the police pressing with their shields and their bodies to push them away, a gap was opened to free the truck, which began its gloomy journey.

Speaking on the phone this morning to Stefano Bulla, historic and charismatic leader of "Is Pipius no si tocant", I was able to understand what dynamic opened the gap for the passage of the truck, bending the will of the demonstrators.

The usual and extraordinary Luigi Salis, sitting in his wheelchair, was attached to the truck to block its departure.

Around him, all the other protesters and the officers in riot gear to push them away.

It seems that, at a certain point, some officers pushed Luigi's wheelchair to force him to leave, which was all too easy given Luigi's condition...

Luigi's brother, next to him, seems to have reacted towards one or more policemen (how many policemen is not clear...).

At this point, one of the policemen apparently told him: “you are under arrest!”

No human being, who is of sound mind, can appreciate being in "arrest condition".

It can be deduced, only empirically (having no other means...) that the force used by the police in riot gear to stem the action (even if peaceful) of the demonstrators is considered "legitimate" and that, at the same time, "it is not legitimated" the reaction of the demonstrators to insist on their position.

The fact is that, to protect his brother from the "promised prison", Luigi agreed to succumb for the withdrawal of his brother's arrest condition.

It is the strength of blood relationships that can push us to reset ourselves and our deepest beliefs.

If instead of Luigi, there had been any scion of a rich family, supported by the presence of one or more badass lawyers expert in the matter that regulates and dictates the behavior of the parties involved (Police in riot gear and demonstrators...) in cases of this type, we can hypothesize a different or even opposite reaction to the declaration of "arrest".

A declaration of arrest scares and blocks the weak (in the broad sense of the condition of "weakness"), while it may appear "neutral" to those who have the resources to evaluate, first of all, its validity, and then its possible defense.

The Law is not the same for everyone when the "Pocket" is discriminating at the base.

Luigi's surrender infected the others, allowing the passage and journey of the truck, with its acid load for the disfigurement of the face of the Sacred Land of Sardinia!

It has to be verified the actual declaration of the state of arrest communicated to Luigi's brother, and, if ascertained, it is essential its legitimacy.

If it were not "legitimate" it would have been, at the very least, an inappropriate "intimidating" action.

From Amnesty International, on the use of riot police:

According to international law, the police must maintain order without the use of force and favoring de-escalation.

Any use of force must be exceptional and must respect the principles of legality, necessity and proportionality.

The police must not appear intimidating, for example by deploying excessive numbers of officers and heavy, visible riot gear.

In this way it could in fact be perceived as a threat, increasing tension and leading to violence. Rather, police forces must adopt a facilitative and supportive approach.


Batons can be used as a defense against violent attacks, giving a clear order to stop the violence. The most important muscle areas of the body (thighs and arms) should be targeted and areas where more serious injuries can occur should be avoided. Every shot must be justified.

They must not be used to disperse a peaceful gathering or against people who are peaceful or only passively resisting, who are already under the control of an officer, or who are fleeing.


The tactic of encirclement, for example in a "noose", should be used only if strictly necessary to isolate violent or law-breaking demonstrators, and only if this does not lead to a disproportionate restriction on the exercise of the right of peaceful assembly of the other demonstrators.


A demonstration must be dispersed only as a last resort and in accordance with the principles of legality, necessity and proportionality.

Priority must be given to voluntary dispersal and the use of force must be avoided; the use of force must always be kept to the necessary minimum and the type of equipment used to disperse a demonstration must be carefully considered.

A demonstration should not be dispersed simply because it is deemed "unauthorized" or because minor violations of the law occur during a peaceful assembly.

Other police interventions

The police must not carry out interventions which have the aim of intimidating or harassing demonstrators and which may have a deterrent effect on the exercise of the right to peacefully assemble (for example, identity checks, stops, searches, house searches, surveillance), unless this is justified by a concrete, objective and individualized suspicion of a crime.

In Italy, the riot police intervene at the request of the provincial public security authority, i.e. the prefecture and the police headquarters.

The prefect depends hierarchically on the Minister of the Interior, but the President of the Council of Ministers and the other ministers, in exercising their political-administrative power, can issue specific directives to the prefects.

For the Prefecture of Oristano, the Prefect is Salvatore Angeri, born in Turin.

Giuseppe Giardina, born in Carbonia, has been the Police Commissioner of Oristano since March 2021.

The appointment as police commissioner is conferred by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of the Interior, within the limits of staff availability.

Il video, a corredo di questo articolo PORTO DI ORISTANO, ALTA TENSIONE PER LE PALE EOLICHE è di Mario Tasca.